Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How Does Jesus Save Us? Audio File

Here's the audio file for tonight's two-views dialogue.

How Does Jesus Save Us?

So what sticks out the most for you about tonight? Best question? Best response? Biggest question left unanswered? Most unsatisfactory answer given?

Monday, February 25, 2008

Where to Park?

If you're looking for where to park at the How Does Jesus Save Us? event, check out the Duke Bryan Center parking garage. The Div School is on the other side of Duke Chapel from the garage.
Here's a link to the garage.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Open questions?

So this is an open question to anyone: Dr. Maddox is going to probably focus on the life of Jesus as saving while Dr. Hogg is probably going to focus on the death of Jesus as saving. These are gross oversimplifications, but I think they are fairly accurate. What do you hope Dr. Maddox will deal with in his emphasis and Dr. Hogg in his? In other words, what are the sticking points for each of them?