Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How Does Jesus Save Us? Audio File

Here's the audio file for tonight's two-views dialogue.

How Does Jesus Save Us?

So what sticks out the most for you about tonight? Best question? Best response? Biggest question left unanswered? Most unsatisfactory answer given?


Ben Johnson said...

I was obviously disappointed by the non-answer to my question about Holy Saturday and/or Jesus' descent into hell/Sheol/the dead by both Dr. Maddox and the SEBTS guy. Dr. Maddox gave me a trite 'save all of creation' non-answer, perfectly exemplifying the trivial way the Methodists decided to cut out that article of the Apostles' Creed and relegate it to a footnote, whereas the Baptist man (whose name I confess I forgot) simply acknowledged he believed it should be removed from the Creed.

Two non-answers to a serious theological question, where both answers were based on terrible exegesis, was disappointing for this kind of event.

Regardless of their responses, I was hoping they would have both at least honestly considered the matter, though it seemed neither of them had done so.

Jeff said...

I was disappointed that when I got to the location all the exterior doors were locked and I was unable to get inside... Poor planning on my part I suppose.

Tom Arthur said...

Sorry about the doors. The doors to our room for the event were locked too! I'm not sure what happened with that. But I'll look into it. I hope you download the audio and enjoy it.

Tom Arthur said...

I thought Dr. Hogg's comment was quite interesting in that he really fit as a Methodist, since we've taken it out of the creed too. What irony!

What kind of responses are out there on this issue? I'm not really that familiar with the range of options.

Michael said...

Ben is right. Neither Dr. Maddox or Dr. Hogg gave due response to one of the best questions of the evening. What we did get was a great evening illuminating the ever widening divide between the theology of drifting relativism and theology of unmoving Biblical Truth. Dr. Maddox's "metophorical" response to the matter of Christ's decension into Hell being removed from the Apostles' Creed was a revealing affirmation of the "Lazurus Divide" in today's seminaries and churches. Dr. Hogg, who wrapped almost all his comments within referenced scripture, left us dangling here. I thought he said "if" you wanted to drop the article he was OK with that. I was left dangling over the great Divide with why did he say that? Was he in agreement to remove? Was he just OK to let man created creeds be altered as men choose? Whatever, I will enjoy re-hearing the audio. Great program Socratic Club. Keep it up.